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Warsaw 2016

The following contributions to the Conference 2016 in Warsaw are available in print at European Federation of National Institutions for Language.

"Stereotypes and linguistic prejudices in Europe"


See whole publication here.

Anna Dąbrowska / Walery Pisarek / Gerhard Stickel (eds.): Stereotypes and linguistic prejudices in Europe. Contributions to the EFNIL Conference 2016 in Warsaw. ISBN 978-963-9074-68-2. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet, 2017



Andrzej Markowski

Powitanie / Welcome address

Andrzej Duda

List powitalny Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej /
Welcome address of the President of the Republic of Poland

Mateusz Werner

Powitanie / Welcome address

Filip Majcen

Are all languages equal? or How the EU deals with languages

Elżbieta Frąckowiak

Welcome address

Javier Hernandez Saseta

Welcome address

Gerhard Stickel

Wstęp / Einführung / Introduction

General reflections

Virginie Mamadouh

Europeans among themselves: Geographical and linguistic stereotypes

Bernd Six

Stereotype in der Sozialpsychologie

Klaus Reichert

French disease or maladie anglaise. Figures of contempt or
of self-assertion

Loïc Depecker

Stéréotypes et préjugés: quelques idées reçues sur le français

Jerzy Bartmiński

What does it mean for stereotypes to “reside in language”?

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