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Amsterdam 2018

"Language variation: a factor of increasing language complexity and a challenge for language policy within Europe"


See whole publication here.

Tanneke Schoonheim, Johan Van Hoorde (eds.): Language Variation: a factor of increasing complexity and a challenge for language policy within Europe – Contributions to the EFNIL Conference 2018 in Amsterdam. ISBN 978-963-9074-79-8, ISBN 978-963-9074-80-4  [PDF], Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet, 2019




Johan Van Hoorde

Collaboration makes all languages stronger EFNIL under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stickel


Barbera Wolfensberger

Opening address on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Axel Buyse

Opening address on behalf of the Representation of the Flemish government in the Netherlands

Florika Fink-Hooijer

Opening address on behalf of the Directorate-General for Interpretation (SCIC) of the European Commission

Maarten Vidal

Opening address on behalf of the Nederlandse Taalunie

Gerhard Stickel



Massimiliano Spotti

Sociolinguistic regimes across an asylum-seeking centre: L2 learners doing togetherness via a socio-technological platform

Wendy Ayres-Bennett/John Bellamy/Andreas Krogull/Nicola McLelland/Jiaye Wu/Hui Zhao

Standard languages, norms and variation: New perspectives within a multilingual research project

Helder De Schutter

Linguistic justice for non-native speakers of English

Variation from a language perspective

Ari Páll Kristinsson

Standards and style: language-internal variation in Modern Icelandic

Ranko Bugarski

Past and current developments involving pluricentric Serbo-Croatian and its official heirs

Gerard-René de Groot

European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages

Loïc Depecker

Éléments de politique linguistique: le français, aménagement d’une langue multipolaire

Hans Bennis/Corrien Blom

Language variation policy in the Dutch language area

Tanneke Schoonheim

Language variety at the Dutch Language Institute

Variation from a national perspective

Adam Pawlowski

The linguistic landscape of modern Poland: a return to the future?

Amira-Louise Ouardalitou

Lëtzebuergesch, Français and Deutsch in everyday life in Luxembourg

Ulrich Ammon †

The wealth of varieties of German as a challenge for language policy

Jutta Ransmayr

Language-internal multilingualism in Austria

Sofia Tingsell

Questions and answers on multilingualism at the Language Council of Sweden

Mareks Kovalevskis

Latvian – Riga versus Brussels


Sabine Kirchmeier

Speech in honour of EFNIL’s president Gerhard Stickel


European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL): Members and associate member institutions



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