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Budapest 2012

The following contributions to the Conference 2012 in Budapest are available in print at Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main.

"Lexical Challenges in Multilingual Europe"


See whole publication here.

a) Opening

Istvan Kenesei

Welcome address

Claude Durand

Intervention de M. Claude Durand à la conférence annuelle de l'EFNIL  Budapest, 25 octobre 2012

Gerhard Stickel



b) General reflections

Patrick Hanks

Lexicography and technology in the Renaissance and now

Gábor Prószéky

How “truly electronic dictionaries” of the 21st Century should look like?

Willy Martin

A Dutch recipe for the production of bilingual dictionaries


c) Reports on different countries

Annette Klosa

Aktuelle Tendenzen in der deutschen Lexikographie der Gegenwart

John Simpson

Mediums of access to the Oxford English Dictionary

Pádraig Ó Mianáin

The New English-Irish Dictionary

Anna Dąbrowska / Walery Pisarek

National Corpus of Polish and Great Dictionary of Polish. Two leading projects of present-day Polish lexicography

Cecilia Robustelli

Il Vocabolario dell‘Accademia della Crusca e i primi grandi vocabolari delle lingue europee

Gudrún Kvaran

Modern Icelandic lexicography

Christian Mattsson

The Swedish Lexin Project – dictionaries in 22 minority languages

Margit Langemets

“To think outside the paper”: The case of Estonia

Jolanta Zabarskaitė

Lithuanian lexicography in the 21st century: quo vadis?


d) Reports on special projects

Uwe Mohr – ein Projekt der EU Civil Society Platform on Multilingualism

Georg Rehm / Hans Uszkoreit

An Extended Summary of the META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020


e) The Budapest Resolution

The Budapest Resolution on the Lexical Challenges in Multilingual Europe (in 22 European languages)


EFNIL: Members and associate member institutions

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