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The Hungarian Language in the Digital Age – Hungarian Language Technologies Day

18th January, 2013 / 2013. január 18,
Main Building of the HAS / MTA Székház, Felolvasó terem


The last awareness raising road-show of the project supporting the results of the LT field will be held by the coordinator of the project in Budapest, on the 18th of January 2013. The prestigious event is dedicated to the key players of the Hungarian language technology as well as to promote the outcome of the CESAR project itself. The event is designed to raise awareness and attract interest from three kinds of target audience, policy makers, media and potential business partners.


The Hungarian Language Technologies Day is a unique opportunity to present the most relevant projects and technologies of the language technology field in Hungary to the relevant stakeholders and politicians from Hungary and present the value of the field to the invitees from the European Commission and other international projects.


Thus, the presentations will involve not only presentations, demos and posters showing the potential of the language technology field in Hungary, but will show results of pan-European projects, where Hungarian language is involved (Language White Paper and Strategic Research Agenda as outcomes of the META-NET, CLARIN and European Media Monitor) to show the strengthened position of Hungarian Language Technology in the field of international pole.


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