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Florence 2014

12th Annual Conference of EFNIL

Firenze, Accademia della Crusca

27 - 28 September 2014


Language use in university teaching and research past, present, future


27th September

8:30 h: Registration

9:30-10:30 h Opening session:

Claudio Marazzini (President of the Accademia della Crusca): Welcome Address

Addresses by:

Dario Nardella, Sindaco di Firenze / Mayor of Florence

DG Marco Benedetti, Director-General of DG SCIC

Pierre Mairesse, Director, DG EAC

Pinuccia Contino, Head of Unit, DGT

Susanna Slivensky, Director, ECML, Graz

Gerhard Stickel (President of EFNIL): Introduzione / Introduction / Einführung.


10:30-11:00 h: coffee break


11:00-12:30 h: 2nd session:

Rita Librandi (Univ. of Napoli): The languages of the Italian universities in the past (XIII-XIX centuries).

Ulrich Ammon (Univ. of Duisburg): German and English in university research and teaching in Germany: history, present situation, and future perspectives.

Jan-Ola Östman (Univ. of Helsinki): Language use in academia in Finland and the other Nordic countries.

Moderation: Pietro Beltrami (Italy)


12:30-14:00 h: Lunch


14:00-15:30 h: 3rd session:

Cecilia Robustelli (Italy): Present language use at Italian universities.

Guðrun Kvaran (Iceland): The use of foreign languages in the Icelandic universities.

Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen (Denmark): More languages for more students.

Birute Klaas-Lang / Helle Metslang (Estonia): Language policies in higher education in Estonia.

Moderation: Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen (Norway)


15:30-17:00 h: 4th session:

Francois Grin (Univ. of Geneva) : Les langues dans l’enseignement et la recherche universitaires: quelques considérations pour dépasser les idées toutes faites.


Jean-François Baldi (France): Le français dans l'enseignement supérieur: le débat en France.

Natalie Marchal (Belgium): L'usage des langues dans les universités en Belgique francophone.

Moderation: Guy Berg (Luxembourg)


28th September


9:30-11:00 h: 5th session:

Marilena Karyolemou (Cyprus): Compte rendu of language use in higher education in Cyprus.

SimonaBergoč (Slovenia): The language of instruction at universities between internationalization and sustainable language policy: the case of Slovenia.

Władisłav Miodunka (Poland): Language use at Polish universities.

Johan Van Hoorde (Netherlands - Belgium): English or Dutch? Dutch and English?

Moderation: Xavier North (France)


11:00-11:30 h: coffee break


11:30-13:00 h: Panel Discussion on:

Language use in university teaching and research: what future do we want?

Moderation: John Simpson (United Kingdom)

Panelists: Ina Druviete (Latvia), Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen (Denmark), Xavier North (France),

Francesco Sabatini (Italy), Gerhard Stickel (Germany).


13:00-14:30 h: Lunch


14:30-15:00 h: Tour behind the scenes of the Accademia


15:00-17:00 h: General Assembly (for members of EFNIL only)

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