General Assembly Conference 13–14 October 2003
Conference site: “Vår gård”, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm
Interpretation from English, French, German, Italian, Scandinavian and Spanish to English, French, German (main language of each speech in brackets)
Monday 13 October
- 10:15–10:55 Welcome and opening
- 10:15.10:25 Wellcome by Olle Josephson, Swedish Language Council and Nordic Language Council (Swedish), and Gerhard Stickel, Chairman of the Steering committee of EFNIL (German)
- 10:30.10:50 Opening speech by Mrs Marita Ulvskog, Minister of Culture, Sweden (Scandinavian)
11:00–13:00 Theme 1: Linguistic functional domains, language planning and national languages
Reports from member organizations in the form of short speeches, followed by questions and discussions Chairman: Mrs Pirkko Nuolijärvi, Finland
- 11:00.11:20 Johan Van Hoorde, Nederlandse Taalunie (Dutch Language Union):
Functional domains, language planning . and the .white site. project (Italiano, Nederlands )
- 11:20.11:40 Vassiliki Dendrinou and Anastasios-Fivos Christides, Κέντρο Ελληνικής
Γλώσσας/Kentro Ellinikis Glossas (Centre for Greek Language):
Linguistic diversity vs national language protectionism. Language planning in action in Greece (English)
- 11:40.12:00 Pirjo Hiidenmaa and Mikael Reuter Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus/
Forskningscentralen för de inhemska språken (The Research Institute for the Languages in Finland):
Language planning in Finland (English and Scandinavian)
- 12:00.12:20 Niels Davidsen-Nielsen, Dansk Sprognævn (Danish Language Council):
Guidelines for a Danish language policy . with special references to functional domains (Scandinavian)
- 12:20.12:40 Olle Josephson, Svenska språknämnden (Swedish Language Council):
Sweden on the verge of multilingual society . a new language policy (Svenska)
- 12:40.13:00 Francesco Sabatini, Accademia della Crusca: State linguistic policy in Italy and the role of the Academies (Italian)
13:00–14:00 Lunch
14:00–16:00 Theme 1 continued
Chairman: Mr Niels Davidsen Nielsen, Denmark
- 14:00.14:20 Guðrún Kvaran, Íslendsk málnefnd (Icelandic Language Council):
Icelandic language policy in past, present and future (Scandinavian)
- 14:20.14:40 Jan Olav Fretland, Norsk språkråd (Norwegian Language Council):
Positive and negative effects of legislation and other official regulation as an instrument in the relation between the two Norwegian language forms
Bokmål and Nynorsk (Norsk)
- 14:40.15:00 Francisco Nuno Ramos, Instituto Camões (Portugal):
Portuguese Language, Strategic Language in the context of globalisation
- 15:00.15:20 John Simpson, Oxford English Dictionary:
The English language . what happens when language policy is not explicit? (English)
- 15:20.15:40 Gerhard Stickel, Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Institute of the German Language): Language policy in Germany and the lack of it (German)
- 15:40.16:00 Bernard Cerquiglini, Délégation générale à la langue française (General Delegation of the French Language and the Languages of France):
National languages and plurilingualism . a challenge to the expanding Europe (French)
- 16:00.16:10 Goytisolo, Luis, Real Academia, Española (Spain):
El papel de las Academias en la política lingüística hispánica
16:10–16:30 Coffee
16:30–18:30 Theme 1 continued: Summing-up discussion
Chairman: Mr Mikael Reuter, Finland
19:30 Conference dinner at Vår Gård
Host: Ministry of Culture, Sweden, represented by State Secretary Mrs Gunilla Thorgren
Tuesday 14 October
8:30–10:30 Theme 2: Language legislation and national languages
Short introductory remarks from six countries (Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy)
Chairmen: Mr Bernard Cerquiglini, Mr Abraham Bengio, Mr Jean-Claude Baldi, France
10:30–11:00 Coffee
11:00–12:00 EFNIL General Assembly
Chairman: Mr Pietro Beltrami. Italy, Please see separate agenda
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:30 EFNIL General Assembly continued
Chairman: Mr Gerhard Stickel, Germany