Workshop at NODALIDA 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania May 11, 13-18
Semantic resources and semantic annotation for Natural Language Processing and the Digital Humanities. Even if language resources covering English tend to receive most attention in the LT community, recent years have shown an increased interest in developing lexical semantic resources and semantically annotated corpora of also lesser-resourced languages, including the languages in the Nordic and Baltic region. Nevertheless, high-quality semantic resources with sufficient coverage still prove to be a serious bottleneck not only in purely rule-based NLP applications but also in supervised corpus-based approaches. Also in the Digital Humanities there is an increased interest in and need for semantic annotation which would enable more refined search in, and better visualization and analyses of large-scale corpus data. This workshop focuses in particular on the interplay between lexical-semantic resources as resembled by wordnets, framenets, propbanks, and others and their relation to practical corpus annotation. The workshop – a follow-up on the successful Nodalida 2009 and 2013 workshops on semantic resources – intends to bring together researchers involved in building and integrating semantic resources (lexicons and corpora) as well as researchers who apply these resources for semantic processing. Also researchers who are more theoretically interested in investigating the interplay between lexical semantics, lexicography, corpus linguistics and Digital Humanities are welcome. We invite papers presenting original research relating to semantic resources for NLP and DH on topics such as: • representation of lexical-semantic knowledge for computational use • the interplay between lexical-semantic resources and semantically annotated corpora • corpus-based approaches to lexical-semantic resources • tools for semantic annotation • terminology and lexical semantics: concept-based vs lexical semantic approaches • monolingual vs. multilingual approaches to semantic lexicons and corpora • quality assessment of lexical-semantic resources: criteria, methods • applications using lexical-semantic resources (information retrieval, semantic tagging of corpora, MT, Digital Humanities etc.) • machine-learning techniques to discover semantic structures such as unsupervised learning, distance supervision, or cross-language learning. • traditional lexicography and NLP lexicons: re-use and differences • applying semantic resources (lexica, corpora) for semantic processing • word sense disambiguation based on lexically informed techniques Submission Papers should conform to the main Nodalida stylesheet. Submissions must be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title page or through self-references. Papers must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the on-line conference system. Paper submissions that violate either of these requirements will be returned without review. The page limit for submissions is up to fourteen pages of text, plus unlimited additional pages with bibliographic references. All submissions to the workshop must be uploaded electronically following the above requirements to the EasyChair conference management system: All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. All accepted papers will be collected into a proceedings volume to be submitted for publication in the NEALT Proceedings Series (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings). Important dates • Monday March 23: Submission of papers • Thursday April 16: Notification of acceptance • Thursday April 23: Submission of camera ready manuscripts • Monday May 11: Workshop Workshop organizers • Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen, Organizing Chair) • Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg) • Markus Forsberg (University of Gothenburg) • Sanni Nimb (Association for Danish Language and Literature) • Anders Søgaard (University of Copenhagen) • Pierre Nugues (Lund University) • Hector Martinez Alonso (University of Copenhagen) • Anders Johannsen (University of Copenhagen) • Sussi Olsen (University of Copenhagen) Program committee Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg) Normunds Grūzītis (University of Gothenburg) Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson (Iceland University) Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld (University of Oslo) Markus Forsberg (University of Gothenburg) Karin Friberg Heppin (University of Gothenburg) Richard Johansson (University of Gothenburg) Rune Lain Knudsen (University of Oslo) Dimitrios Kokkinakis (University of Gothenburg) André Lynum (University of Oslo) Sanni Nimb (Association for Danish Language and Literature) Pierre Nugues (Lund University) Krister Lindén (University of Helsinki) Jussi Piitulainen (University of Helsinki) Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) Anders Søgaard (University of Copenhagen) Joel Priestley (University of Oslo) Heili Orav (University of Tartu) Esben Alfort (Ankiro, Denmark) Jørg Asmussen, (Association for Danish Language and Literature) Hector Martinez Alonso, (University of Copenhagen) Anders Johannsen, (University of Copenhagen) Workshop link: For all inquiries, please email Bolette S. Pedersen <>.