EFNIL at the European Terminology Summit 2016
At the invitation of TermCoord, EFNIL took part at the eighth European Terminology Summit, which took place in Luxembourg on 14–15 November 2016.
The biannual event was organized by the European Association for Terminology (EAFT), in collaboration with the TermCoord and EFNIL was represented by Réka Dodé, who is a trained terminologist.
The European Association for Terminology is a non-profit professional organisation for the terminology sector in Europe. This year, EAFT organized its Summit in collaboration with TermCoord, which is a unit of the European Parliament and its main role is to assist translators with their daily tasks, therefore facilitate terminology research and terminology management in the translation units, and also to increase the EP’s contribution to the EU terminology database IATE.
As EAFT celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2016, the main topic of the Summit was "Vision and revision". It aimed to go back and look forward at the same time. The 8 sections consisted of the following subtopics: Cooperation & Collaboration, Social Media, Quality Matters, Responsibility, Interaction and Diversity, Terminology Profile, State Of The Art/Domain Loss, Declaration.
The programme can be found here. Presentations and abstracts are also available on the TermCoord website.