8th Annual Conference of EFNIL will be held at Thessaloniki on 2 to 4 November 2010
Date: 31 March 2010
Dear members and friends of EFNIL:
At our annual conference in Dublin last November, the delegates of our Greek member institute, the Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας / the Centre for the Greek Language, offered to host our Conference 2010 in Thessaloniki. As most of you will remember, the General Assembly gladly accepted this offer. In the meantime, preparations have begun. Therefore, I can now definitely announce that the
8th Annual Conference of the European Federation of National Institutions for Language will be held at Thessaloniki on 2 to 4 November 2010.
You will receive an official invitation from our Greek friends. Already now, I can inform you that the costs of hotel accommodation (for up to 3 nights from November 2 on) and part of the meals for two participants from each country will be born by EFNIL. Unfortunately, EFNIL cannot bear your travel expenses.
As in the previous years, the conference will consist of two divisions: a thematic part and the General Assembly of our organization. In accordance with our hosts, we have chosen for the thematic part the general title Language, Languages and New Technologies: ICT in the Service for Languages. We expect to hear and discuss a) general overview lectures by guest speakers who are experts in this field and b) brief reports by delegates of several of our member institutions on specific projects in their countries. An outline of the thematic part of the programme including a preliminary schedule is attached.
The agenda for the General Assembly will be sent to you later on. Our Greek colleagues and the Secretariat of EFNIL will provide you in time with detailed information on the definite programme and organizational matters.
I look forward to meeting you in Thessaloniki on November 2.
Yours sincerely,