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2020 ECSPM Online Symposium

ECSPM organise an Online Symposium 7-9 December 2020, entitled "Linguistic & Cultural (Super)Diversity at Work: From theory and policy to action and (digital) practices".

The European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism is a European civil society organisation advocating practices of and research into multilingualism and plurilingual competence in Europe and beyond. 

The 2020 ECSPM Online Symposium, entitled "Linguistic & Cultural (Super)Diversity at Work: From theory and policy to action and (digital) practices" was held on 7-9 December 2020. 

EFNIL is a member of the ECSP and it was represented by President Johan Van Hoorde. On the second day of the conference he gave two pre-recorded presentations.  The first, entitled "EFNIL and its activities: National languages and multilingualism in Europe" was delivered on Tuesday 8th December and can be found here. The second talk delivered (also prerecorded) right after the first, addressed the topic "(Super)diversity and national languages" and served to generate discussion around the issue. The second talk can be seen here".

We encourage you to listen to the presentations of the Symposium, especially the presentation of our President, Johan Van Hoorde.

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