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2018 Symposium of the Civili Society Platform for Multilingualism

Paradigm Shift in Language Education for the Development of Multiliterate and Plurilingual Agencies

This is the title of the 2018 Symposium that the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM) is co-organizing with the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany, 26-27 September. Academics, researchers and language education policy advisors from different countries will be addressing an audience of language professionals and students concerned with issues connected to languages and multilingualism.

On the first day of the Symposium, 26 September, which is dedicated to the European Day of Languages, speakers will talk on various issues and projects on multilingualism across Europe. The second day, 27 September, is devoted to presentations dealing with ideas on how we can best contribute to the efforts for change not only in the way languages are taught and learnt in formal educational settings by resorting to a new language didactics paradigm, but also in the way that future and practicing language teachers are prepared at universities and other professional development centres.

The event will take place on the university premises, Schnittspahnstraße 9, 64287 Darmstadt, building B2|01 Room: 147. There is no registration fee but those wishing to attend must register in advance because attendance is limited to 100 people.

Find the registration form, the Symposium Programme and other pieces of useful information on the ECSPM website:

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