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Lisbon 2008

Language use in Europe"


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Simonetta Luz Afonso

Notas de Boas Vindas / Welcome Notes

Gerhard Stickel

Abertura / Opening

Stephen Hagen

Mapping successful language use in international business: How, when and where do European companies achieve success?

José Paulo Esperança

An Eclectic Approach to Language Valuation: The Global Influence of the Portuguese Language

Sophie Bressé

L'usage des langues étrangères dans les entreprises françaises

Charlotte Rønhof

Linguistic conditions in Danish industries

Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen

En route vers le tout-anglais? Pratiques et représentations des langues étrangères dans les entreprises danoises

Martin Stegu

Language needs in business: myths and realities. Considérations générales et autrichiennes

Pirkko Nuolijärvi

Language in business and commerce in Finland

Guy Berg

Active multilingualism in Luxembourg. The use of languages in a stable polyglossic economy

Walery Pisarek

Language use in business and commerce in Poland

Gudrun Kvaran

The Icelandic language in business and commerce in Iceland

Corina Cilianu-Lascu / Marius Sala

Les langues de la communication professionnelle dans les entreprises de Roumanie: enjeux, réalités, perspectives

František Čermák

Leading questions and answers on the situation in individual countries: Situation in Czechia

Janez Dular

Gebrauch der Sprachen im europaweiten Geschäfts- und Handelsverkehr – Slowenien


The Lisbon Resolution of EFNIL on language use in business and commerce in Europe


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